affiner affiner hex sticker

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I have not heard of a finer package –Typical R developer when asked what they have heard about {affiner}.

Table of Contents


{affiner} is an extraction and improvement of the low-level geometric and R 4.2 affine transformation feature functionality used in {piecepackr} to render board game pieces in {grid} using a 3D oblique projection.

Polyhedral dice

The current goals are to:

  1. Make it easier for {piecepackr} users to use this low-level geometric functionality without exporting it in {piecepackr} (which already has a large API) in case they want to do things like implement custom polyhedral dice.
  2. Make it easier for other R developers to support fancier 3D renderings in their packages using {grid} (and perhaps {ggplot2}).
  3. Refactor and improve this code base.

Some particular intended strengths compared to other R geometry packages:

  1. Focus on reducing pain points in rendering “illustrated” (game) pieces in a 3D parallel projections in {grid} (e.g. oblique projections and isometric projections).
  2. Helpers for using the R 4.2 affine transformation feature to render “illustrated” 3D faces in {grid}. The affine_settings() function which reverse engineers useGrob()’s vp and transformation arguments is even available as a “standalone” file that can be copied over into other R packages under the permissive Unlicense.
  3. Functions to convert between axis-angle representation and rotation matrix.
  4. Allows users to use whichever angular unit is most convenient for them including degrees, radians, turns, half-turns aka (multiples-of-)pi-radians, and gradians.
  5. Light dependencies: only non-base R package dependency is {R6} which is a pure R package with no other dependencies.





xy <- as_coord2d(angle(seq(90, 360 + 90, by = 60), "degrees"),
                 radius = c(rep(0.488, 6), 0))
xy$translate(x = 0.5, y = 0.5)
l_xy <- list()
l_xy$top <- xy[c(1, 2, 7, 6)]
l_xy$right <- xy[c(7, 4, 5, 6)]
l_xy$left <- xy[c(2, 3, 4, 7)]

gp_border <- gpar(fill = NA, col = "black", lwd = 12)
vp_define <- viewport(width = unit(3, "inches"), height = unit(3, "inches"))

colors <- c("#D55E00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73")
spacings <- c(0.25, 0.25, 0.2)
texts <- c("pkgname", "right\nface", "left\nface")
rots <- c(45, 0, 0)
fontsizes <- c(52, 80, 80)
sides <- c("top", "right", "left")
types <- gridpattern::names_polygon_tiling[c(5, 9, 7)]
l_grobs <- list()
for (i in 1:3) {
    side <- sides[i]
    xy_side <- l_xy[[side]]
    if (requireNamespace("gridpattern", quietly = TRUE)) {
        bg <- gridpattern::grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(
                   colour = "grey80",
                   fill = c(colors[i], "white"),
                   type = types[i],
                   spacing = spacings[i],
                   draw = FALSE)
    } else {
        bg <- rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = colors[i]))
    text <- textGrob(texts[i], rot = rots[i],
                     gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsizes[i]))
    settings <- affine_settings(xy_side, unit = "snpc")
    grob <- l_grobs[[side]] <- grobTree(bg, text)
                vp_define = vp_define,
                transform = settings$transform,
                vp_use = settings$vp)
    grid.polygon(xy_side$x, xy_side$y, gp = gp_border)

Isometric-cube hex logo

isocubeGrob() / grid.isocube() provides a convenience wrapper around affineGrob() / grid.affine() for the isometric cube case:

grid.isocube(top = l_grobs$top, 
             right = l_grobs$right,
             left = l_grobs$left)

Isometric-cube hex logo

Render an “illustrated” d6 dice using oblique and isometric projections

Our high-level strategy for rendering 3D objects is as follows:

xyz_face <- as_coord3d(x = c(0, 0, 1, 1) - 0.5, y = c(1, 0, 0, 1) - 0.5, z = 0.5)
l_faces <- list() # order faces for our target projections
l_faces$bottom <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("z-axis", angle(180, "degrees"))$
                    rotate("y-axis", angle(180, "degrees"))
l_faces$north <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("z-axis", angle(90, "degrees"))$
                    rotate("x-axis", angle(-90, "degrees"))
l_faces$east <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("z-axis", angle(90, "degrees"))$
                    rotate("y-axis", angle(90, "degrees"))
l_faces$west <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("y-axis", angle(-90, "degrees"))
l_faces$south <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("z-axis", angle(180, "degrees"))$
                    rotate("x-axis", angle(90, "degrees"))
l_faces$top <- xyz_face$clone()$
                    rotate("z-axis", angle(-90, "degrees"))

colors <- c("#D55E00", "#009E73", "#56B4E9", "#E69F00", "#CC79A7", "#0072B2")
spacings <- c(0.25, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
die_face_grob <- function(digit) {
    if (requireNamespace("gridpattern", quietly = TRUE)) {
        bg <- gridpattern::grid.pattern_polygon_tiling(
                   colour = "grey80",
                   fill = c(colors[digit], "white"),
                   type = gridpattern::names_polygon_tiling[digit],
                   spacing = spacings[digit],
                   draw = FALSE)
    } else {
        bg <- rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = colors[digit]))
    digit <- textGrob(digit, gp = gpar(fontsize = 72))
    grobTree(bg, digit)
l_face_grobs <- lapply(1:6, function(i) die_face_grob(i))
for (i in 1:6) {
    vp <- viewport(x = unit((i - 1) %% 3 + 1, "inches"),
                   y = unit(3 - ((i - 1) %/% 3 + 1), "inches"),
                   width = unit(1, "inches"), height = unit(1, "inches"))
    grid.text("The six die faces", y = 0.9, 
              gp = gpar(fontsize = 18, face = "bold"))

The six die faces

# re-order face grobs for our target projections
# bottom = 6, north = 4, east = 5, west = 2, south = 3, top = 1
l_face_grobs <- l_face_grobs[c(6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1)]
draw_die <- function(l_xy, l_face_grobs) {
    min_x <- min(vapply(l_xy, function(x) min(x$x), numeric(1)))
    min_y <- min(vapply(l_xy, function(x) min(x$y), numeric(1)))
    l_xy <- lapply(l_xy, function(xy) {
        xy$translate(x = -min_x + 0.5, y = -min_y + 0.5)
    vp_define <- viewport(width = unit(1, "inches"), height = unit(1, "inches"))
    gp_border <- gpar(col = "black", lwd = 4, fill = NA)
    for (i in 1:6) {
        xy <- l_xy[[i]]
        settings <- affine_settings(xy, unit = "inches")
                    vp_define = vp_define,
                    transform = settings$transform,
                    vp_use = settings$vp)
        grid.polygon(xy$x, xy$y, default.units = "inches", gp = gp_border)
# oblique projection of dice onto xy-plane
l_xy_oblique1 <- lapply(l_faces, function(xyz) {
    xyz$clone() |>
        as_coord2d(scale = 0.5)
draw_die(l_xy_oblique1, l_face_grobs)
grid.text("Oblique projection\n(onto xy-plane)", y = 0.9,
          gp = gpar(fontsize = 18, face = "bold"))

Parallel projection of a die

# oblique projection of dice on xz-plane
l_xy_oblique2 <- lapply(l_faces, function(xyz) {
        permute("xzy") |>
        as_coord2d(scale = 0.5, alpha = angle(135, "degrees"))
draw_die(l_xy_oblique2, l_face_grobs)
grid.text("Oblique projection\n(onto xz-plane)", y = 0.9,
          gp = gpar(fontsize = 18, face = "bold"))

Parallel projection of a die

# isometric projection
l_xy_isometric <- lapply(l_faces, function(xyz) {
        rotate("z-axis", angle(45, "degrees"))$
        rotate("x-axis", angle(-(90 - 35.264), "degrees")) |>

draw_die(l_xy_isometric, l_face_grobs)
grid.text("Isometric projection", y = 0.9,
          gp = gpar(fontsize = 18, face = "bold"))

Parallel projection of a die

Please feel free to open a pull request to add any missing relevant links.

Geometry in R

2D/3D geometry

Plane geometry

Spatial geometry

3D rendering in R

{graphics} and {grid} based

Other 3D rendering engines