duckdb 1.1.1



duckdb 1.1.0


duckdb 1.0.0-2


duckdb 1.0.0-1

Bug fixes

duckdb 1.0.0

Bug fixes

duckdb 0.10.3


Bug fixes

duckdb 0.10.2


Bug fixes

duckdb 0.10.1


Bug fixes


Continuous integration

duckdb 0.10.0

Bug fixes





duckdb 0.9.2-1

duckdb 0.9.2

duckdb 0.9.1-1

duckdb 0.9.1

duckdb 0.8.1-3

duckdb 0.8.1-2

duckdb 0.8.1-1

duckdb 0.8.1

duckdb 0.8.0

duckdb 0.7.1-1

duckdb 0.7.0

duckdb 0.6.2

duckdb 0.6.1

duckdb 0.6.0

duckdb 0.5.1

duckdb 0.5.0

duckdb 0.4.0

duckdb 0.3.4-1

duckdb 0.3.4

duckdb 0.3.3

duckdb 0.3.2

duckdb 0.3.1

duckdb 0.3.0

duckdb 0.2.8

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Ceruttii” after a long-extinct relative of the present-day Harleqin Duck (Histrionicus Ceruttii). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: Again, this release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.




duckdb 0.2.7

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Mollissima” after the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Major changes:

SQL - #1847: Unify catalog access functions, and provide views for common PostgreSQL catalog functions - #1822: Python/JSON-Style Struct & List Syntax - #1862: #1584 Implementing NEXTAFTER for float and double - #1860: FIRST implementation for nested types - #1858: UNNEST table function & array syntax in parser - #1761: Issue #1746: Moving QUANTILE


Engine - #1808: Row-Group Based Storage - #1842: Add (Persistent) Struct Storage Support - #1859: Read and write atomically with offsets - #1851: Internal Type Rework - #1845: Nested join payloads - #1813: Aggregate Row Layout - #1836: Join Row Layout - #1804: Use Allocator class in buffer manager and add a test for a custom allocator usage

duckdb 0.2.6

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Jamaicensis” after the blue-billed Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Also note: Due to changes in the internal storage (#1530), databases created with this release wil require somewhat more disk space. This is transient as we are working hard to finalise the on-disk storage format.

Major changes:

Engine - #1666: External merge sort, #1580: Parallel scan of ordered result and #1561: Rework physical ORDER BY - #1520 & #1574: Window function computation parallelism - #1540: Add table functions that take a subquery parameter - #1533: Using vectors, instead of column chunks as lists - #1530: Store null values separate from main data in a Validity Segment

SQL - #1568: Positional Reference Operator #1 etc. - #1671: QUANTILE variants and #1685: Temporal quantiles - #1695: New Timestamp Types TIMESTAMP_NS, TIMESTAMP_MS and TIMESTAMP_NS - #1647: Add support for UTC offset timestamp parsing to regular timestamp conversion - #1659: Add support for USING keyword in DELETE statement - #1638, #1663, #1621 & #1484: Many changes arount ARRAY syntax - #1610: Add support for CURRVAL - #1544: Add SKIP as an option to READ_CSV and COPY

APIs - #1525: Add loadable extensions support - #1711: Parallel Arrow Scans - #1569: Map-style UDFs for Python API - #1534: Extensible Replacement Scans & Automatic Pandas Scans and #1487: Automatically use parquet or CSV scan when using a table name that ends in .parquet or .csv - #1649: Add a QueryRelation object that can be used to convert a query directly into a relation object, #1665: Adding from_query to python api - #1550: Shell: Add support for Ctrl + arrow keys to linenoise, and make Ctrl+C terminate the current query instead of the process - #1514: Using ALTREP to speed up string column transfer to R - #1502: R: implementation of Rstudio connection-contract tab

duckdb 0.2.5

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Falcata” after the Falcated Duck (Mareca falcata). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Major Changes:

Engine - #1356: Incremental Checkpointing - #1422: Optimize Top N Implementation

SQL - #1406, #1372, #1387: Many, many new aggregate functions - #1460: QUANTILE aggregate variant that takes a list of quantiles & #1346: Approximate Quantiles - #1461: JACCARD, #1441 LEVENSHTEIN & HAMMING distance scalar function - #1370: FACTORIAL scalar function and ! postfix operator - #1363: IS (NOT) DISTINCT FROM - #1385: LIST_EXTRACT to get a single element from a list - #1361: Aliases in the HAVING clause (fixes issue #1358) - #1355: Limit clause with non constant values

APIs: - #1430 & #1424: DuckDB WASM builds - #1419: Exporting the appender api to C - #1408: Add blob support to C API - #1432, #1459 & #1456: Progress Bar - #1440: Detailed profiler.

duckdb 0.2.4

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Jubata” after the Australian Wood Duck (Chenonetta jubata). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Major changes: SQL - #1231: Full Text Search extension - #1309: Filter Clause for Aggregates - #1195: SAMPLE Operator - #1244: SHOW select queries - #1301: CHR and ASCII functions & #1252: Add GAMMA and LGAMMA functions

Engine - #1211: (Mostly) Lock-Free Buffer Manager - #1325: Unsigned Integer Types Support - #1229: Filter Pull Up Optimizer - #1296: Optimizer that removes redundant DELIM_GET and DELIM_JOIN operators - #1219: DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP rework: move to epoch format & microsecond support

Clients - #1287 and #1275: Improving JDBC compatibility - #1260: Rework client API and prepared statements, and improve DuckDB -> Pandas conversion - #1230: Add support for parallel scanning of pandas data frames - #1256: JNI appender - #1209: Write shell history to file when added to allow crash recovery, and fix crash when .importing file with invalid - #1204: Add support for blobs to the R API and #1202: Add blob support to the python api

Parquet - #1314: Refactor and nested types support for Parquet Reader

duckdb 0.2.3

This preview release of DuckDB is named “Serrator” after the Red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator). Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Major changes:

SQL: - #1179: Interval Cleanup & Extended INTERVAL Syntax - #1147: Add exact MEDIAN and QUANTILE functions - #1129: Support scalar functions with CREATE FUNCTION - #1137: Add support for (NOT) ILIKE, and optimize certain types of LIKE expressions

Engine - #1160: Perfect Aggregate Hash Tables - #1133: Statistics Rework & Statistics Propagation - #1144: Common Aggregate Optimizer, #1143: CSE Optimizer and #1135: Optimizing expressions in grouping keys - #1138: Use predication in filters - #1071: Removing string null termination requirement

Clients - #1112: Add DuckDB node.js API - #1168: Add support for Pandas category types - #1181: Extend DuckDB::LibraryVersion() to output dev version in format 0.2.3-devXXX & #1176: Python binding: Add module attributes for introspecting DuckDB version

Parquet Reader: - #1183: Filter pushdown for Parquet reader - #1167: Exporting Parquet statistics to DuckDB - #1162: Add support for compression codec in Parquet writer & #1163: Add ZSTD Compression Code and add ZSTD codec as option for Parquet export - #1103: Add object cache and Parquet metadata cache

duckdb 0.2.2

This is a preview release of DuckDB. Starting from this release, releases get named as well. Names are chosen from species of ducks (of course). We start with “Clypeata”.

Note: This release introduces a backwards-incompatible change to the on-disk storage format. We suggest you use the EXPORT DATABASE command with the old version followed by IMPORT DATABASE with the new version to migrate your data. See the documentation for details.

Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome. Major changes:

SQL - #1057: Add PRAGMA for enabling/disabling optimizer & extend output for query graph - #1048: Allow CTEs in subqueries (including CTEs themselves) and #987: Allow CTEs in CREATE VIEW statements - #1046: Prettify Explain/Query Profiler output - #1037: Support FROM clauses in UPDATE statements - #1006: STRING_SPLIT and STRING_SPLIT_REGEX SQL functions - #1000: Implement MD5 function - #936: Add GLOB support to Parquet & CSV readers - #899: Table functions information_schema_schemata() and information_schema_tables() and #903: Add table function information_schema_columns()

Engine - #984: Parallel grouped aggregations and #1045: Some performance fixes for aggregate hash table - #1008: Index Join - #991: Local Storage Rework: Per-morsel version info and flush intermediate chunks to the base tables - #906: Parallel scanning of single Parquet files and #982: ZSTD Support in Parquet library - #883: Unify Table Scans with Table Functions - #873: TPC-H Extension - #884: Remove NFC-normalization requirement for all data and add COLLATE NFC

Client - #1001: Dynamic Syntax Highlighting in Shell - #933: Upgrade shell.c to 3330000 - #918: Add in support for Python datetime types in bindings - #950: Support dates and times output into arrow - #893: Support for Arrow NULL columns

duckdb 0.2.1

This is a preview release of DuckDB. Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome. Major changes:

Engine - #770: Enable Inter-Pipeline Parallelism - #835: Type system updates with #779: INTERVAL Type, #858: Fixed-precision DECIMAL types & #819: HUGEINT type - #790: Parquet write support

API - #866: Initial Arrow support - #809: Aggregate UDF support with #843: Generic CreateAggregateFunction() & #752: CreateVectorizedFunction() using only template parameters

SQL - #824: strftime and strptime - #858: EXPORT DATABASE and IMPORT DATABASE - #832: read_csv(_auto) improvements: optional parameters, configurable sample size, line number info

duckdb 0.2.0

This is a preview release of DuckDB. Binary builds are listed below. Feedback is very welcome.

SQL: - #730: FULL OUTER JOIN Support - #732: Support for NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST - #698: Add implementation of the LEAST/GREATEST functions - #772: Implement TRIM function and add optional second parameter to RTRIM/LTRIM/TRIM - #771: Extended Regex Options

Clients: - Python: #720: Making Pandas optional and add support for PyPy - C++: #712: C++ UDF API

duckdb 0.1.9

This is a preview release of DuckDB. Binary are listed below. Feedback is very welcome. Major changes: New website woo-ho!

Engine - #653: Parquet reader integration

SQL - #685: Case insensitive binding of column names - #662: add EPOCH_MS function and test cases

Clients - #681: JDBC Read-only mode for and #677 duplicate()` method to allow multiple connections to same database

duckdb 0.1.8

This is a preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome.

SQL - SQL functions IF and IFNULL #644 - SQL string functions LEFT #620 and RIGHT #631 - #641: BLOB type support - #640: LIKE escape support

Clients - #627: Insertion support for Python relation API

duckdb 0.1.7

This is the sixth preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Binary builds are available as well.

SQL - Add / remove columns, change default values & column type #612 - Collation support - CSV sniffer READ_CSV_AUTO for dialect, data type and header detection #582 - SHOW & DESCRIBE Tables #501 - String function CONTAINS #488 - String functions LPAD / RPAD, LTRIM / RTRIM, REPEAT, REPLACE & UNICODE #597 - Bit functions BIT_LENGTH, BIT_COUNT, BIT_AND, BIT_OR, BIT_XOR & BIT_AGG #608

Engine - LIKE optimization rules #559 - Adaptive filters in table scans #574 - ICU Extension for extended Collations & Extension Support #594 - Extended zone map support in scans #551 - Disallow NaN/INF in the system #541 - Use UTF Grapheme Cluster Breakers in Reverse and Shell #570

Clients - Relation API for C++ #509 and Python #598 - Java (TM) JDBC (R) Client for DuckDB #492 #520 #550

duckdb 0.1.6

This is the fifth preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Binary builds can be found here:

SQL - #455 Table renames ALTER TABLE tbl RENAME TO tbl2 - #457 Nested list type can be created using LIST aggregation and unpacked with the new UNNEST operator - #463 INSTR string function, #477 PREFIX string function, #480 SUFFIX string function

Engine - #442 Optimized casting performance to strings - #444 Variable return types for table-producing functions - #453 Rework aggregate function interface - #474 Selection vector rework - #478 UTF8 NFC normalization of all incoming strings - #482 Skipping table segments during scan based on min/max indices

Python client - #451 date / datetime support - #467 description field for cursor - #473 Adding read_only flag to connect - #481 Rewrite of Python API using pybind11

R client - #468 Support for prepared statements in R client - #479 Adding automatic CSV to table function read_csv_duckdb - #483 Direct scan operator for R data.frame objects

duckdb 0.1.5

This is the fourth preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Note: The v0.1.4 version was skipped because of a Python packaging issue.

Binary builds can be found here:

Major changes: - #409 Vector Overhaul - #423 Remove individual vector cardinalities - #418 DATE_TRUNC SQL function - #424 REVERSE SQL function - #416 Support for SELECT table.* FROM table - #414 STRUCT types in query execution - #431 Changed internal string representation - #433 Rename internal type index_t to idx_t - #439 Support for temporary structures in read-only mode - #440 Builds on Solaris & OpenBSD

Note: This release contains a bug in the Python API that leads to crashes when fetching strings to NumPy/Pandas #447

duckdb 0.1.3

This is the third preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Binary builds can be found here:

Major changes: * #388 Major updates to shell * #390 Unused Column & Column Lifetime Optimizers * #402 String and compound keys in indices/primary keys * #406 Adaptive reordering of filter expressions

duckdb 0.1.2

This is the third preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Binary builds can be found here:

duckdb 0.1.1

This is the second preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome. Binary builds can be found here:

duckdb 0.1.0

This is the first preview release of DuckDB. Feedback is very welcome.

Binary builds can be found here: