%%File: VIRS0039.TXT %%Name/Aliases: MBDF A %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Bogus resource., MBDF %%Disk Location: Applications and the Finder, TETRICYCLE Trojan, Tetris- rotating Trojan %%Features: %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: Modifies CODE #0, adds 630 bytes to infected files %%See Also: MBDF, MBDF-B %%Notes: March 4, 1992: Correction: it DOES spread on ALL types of macintoshes if the operating system is System 7. It will not spread on a MacPlus or SE if that system is using System 6.x Virus has to rewrite System file to infect it, can take up to 3 mins, if interrupted (think it hung) will destroy system and would have to reload all of it. Does NOT affect data files. Does not do malicious damage. 2 Cornell students have been accused of releasing it on Feb 14, 1992 to archive sites. The file TETRICYCLE (also named "Tetris-rotating) is a trojan which installs the virus, the first anti-viral updates did not locate this virus. See also below for more details. SAM's old version knows something was up (when it was installed with all options on) , but it would give an alert and not allow the option to push the DENY button Disinfectant 2.6, Gatekeeper 1.2.4, Virex 3.6, SAM 3.0, VirusDetective 5.0.2, Rival 1.1.10 Claris applications will note code change, old ver. SAM running full tilt will also detect. Anti-viral products mentioned above