%%File: VIRS0068.TXT %%Name/Aliases: T4, T4-A, T4-B, GoMoku, T4-C %%Platform: Macintosh %%Type: Program; activates when run., %%Disk Location: Applications and the Finder, GoMoku versions 2.0 and 2.1 %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files., Damages system file %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: The T4 virus was discovered in the game GoMoku versions 2.0 (T4-A) and 2.1 (T4-B). The name of the person in the game is not the virus author. The virus infects applications and the Finder, and attempts to alter the system file. Infected applications can not be fixed. The altered system file may not boot, or may not load INITS. The virus masquerades as Disinfectant to try to bypass protection software such as GateKeeper. Once installed, the virus does not seem to do any overt damage. INITs don't load. Alerts that disinfectant is changing a file when Disinfectant is not running indicates the virus is present. System Won't boot. Use a virus checking program Replace applications and reinstall the System and Finder. The applications, System, and Finder can not be repaired.