%%File: VIRS0497.TXT %%Name/Aliases: KAOS4, Kaos 4, Sexotica %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: EXE application., COM application., COMMAND.COM %%Features: Direct acting., Non stealth, Designed to avoid detection by heuristic scanners. %%Damage: Interferes with a running application., No damage, only replicates. %%Size: 697 %%See Also: Vienna %%Notes: The KAOS 4 virus is a variant of the Vienna virus that has been extended to infect .EXE files as well as .COM files. The virus is direct acting, and randomly infects one .COM and one .EXE file every time it is run. It attacks COMMAND.COM first. On my machine, it seemed to prefer the \DOS and the \NU (norton) directories. The virus adds 697 bytes to the length of both .COM and .EXE files, the modification date of the files does not change. The following text is in the clear in the last sector of an infected file: KAOS4 / Kšhntark. For *.COM files case, When the file is less than 64K and if it does not start with E9??h ??20h , then the target *.COM file will be infected. It is not detected by DataPhysician Plus 4.0D or SCANV116. A virus signature file is available from DDI named KAOS4.PRG that works with version 4.0C. There is a problem with using it with version 4.0D. load it into Virhunt by using the Options - E (user signature file) command and type the file name, or load it at startup with VIRHUNT USC:\DDI\KAOS4.PRG (assuming that kaos4.prg is in your DDI directory on your C drive. Then run a normal scan. Virhunt will identify it as an "Unknown Virus". Virhunt can also apparently remove this virus from files using this virus signature file. The virus does not seem to have a payload, though while not intentionally damaging, infected systems become unbootable. The next version of SCANV is also supposed to detect the virus (probably 117). The virus is not detected by ThunderBYTE.